Course Title: Introduction to PHP Programming

Course Summary:

This course is designed to provide a solid foundation in PHP programming for individuals with a basic understanding of web development. Students will learn the core concepts of PHP, server-side scripting, and the creation of dynamic web pages. Through practical examples and hands-on exercises, participants will acquire the skills necessary to build interactive and data-driven web applications.


Week 1-2: Introduction to PHP

  • Overview of PHP and its role in web development
  • Setting up the PHP development environment (XAMPP, WampServer)
  • Basic PHP syntax and structure
  • Variables, data types, and operators
  • Input and output in PHP

Week 3-4: Control Structures in PHP

  • Conditional statements: if, else, switch
  • Looping structures: for, while, do-while
  • Break and continue statements
  • Logical and relational operators

Week 5-6: PHP Functions

  • Introduction to functions
  • Function declaration and invocation
  • Parameters and return values
  • Built-in functions and user-defined functions

Week 7-8: Arrays and Strings in PHP

  • Understanding arrays
  • Associative arrays and multidimensional arrays
  • String manipulation in PHP
  • Regular expressions

Week 9-10: PHP and Databases

  • Introduction to databases (MySQL)
  • Connecting PHP to a database
  • Performing CRUD operations in PHP
  • Securing database interactions

Week 11-12: Web Forms and Sessions

  • Creating HTML forms with PHP
  • Handling form data in PHP
  • Session management in PHP
  • Cookies and their usage

Week 13: Introduction to PHP Frameworks and Final Project

  • Overview of popular PHP frameworks (e.g., Laravel, Symfony)
  • Choosing and installing a PHP framework
  • Final project: Building a dynamic web application using PHP and a framework
  • Project presentations and feedback


  • Weekly quizzes
  • PHP coding assignments
  • Midterm examination
  • Final project and presentation


  • Quizzes and Assignments: 40%
  • Midterm Examination: 20%
  • Final Project: 30%
  • Class Participation: 10%