Course Title: Introduction to Java Programming

Course Summary:

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the Java programming language, catering to beginners with little or no prior coding experience. Students will learn the fundamental concepts of Java, object-oriented programming (OOP), and key features of the Java Standard Edition (SE) platform. Through a combination of theoretical understanding and practical application, students will gain the skills necessary for Java application development.


Week 1-2: Introduction to Java

  • Overview of Java and its Evolution
  • Setting up the Java Development Environment (JDK, IDEs)
  • Basic Structure of a Java Program
  • Data Types, Variables, and Operators
  • Input and Output in Java

Week 3-4: Control Flow in Java

  • Decision Making: if, else, switch
  • Looping: while, for, do-while
  • Break and Continue Statements
  • Logical and Relational Operators

Week 5-6: Object-Oriented Programming in Java

  • Introduction to Object-Oriented Concepts
  • Classes and Objects
  • Methods and Constructors
  • Encapsulation and Inheritance

Week 7-8: More OOP Concepts in Java

  • Polymorphism and Method Overriding
  • Abstract Classes and Interfaces
  • Packages and Access Modifiers
  • Exception Handling

Week 9-10: Java Collections Framework

  • Introduction to Collections
  • Lists, Sets, and Maps
  • Iterators and Generics
  • Handling Collections: Sorting, Searching

Week 11-12: File Handling and Advanced Java Features

  • Reading and Writing Files in Java
  • Multi-threading and Concurrency
  • Networking Basics
  • Introduction to JavaFX for GUI Applications

Week 13: Final Project

  • Students will work on a practical project that incorporates the concepts learned throughout the course.
  • Project presentations and feedback.


  • Weekly quizzes
  • Programming assignments
  • Midterm examination
  • Final project and presentation


  • Quizzes and Assignments: 40%
  • Midterm Examination: 20%
  • Final Project: 30%
  • Class Participation: 10%