Course Title: Advanced English Speaking Proficiency Course

Course Summary:

This 6-month advanced English speaking course is tailored for individuals looking to enhance their spoken English skills in professional, academic, or social settings. The program focuses on refining pronunciation, expanding vocabulary, mastering complex sentence structures, and building confidence in spontaneous verbal communication. Through interactive activities, discussions, and real-world simulations, participants will develop fluency and articulation for effective communication.


Month 1-2: Perfecting Pronunciation and Intonation

  • Understanding the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
  • Identifying and correcting common pronunciation errors
  • Practicing stress and intonation patterns
  • Accent reduction techniques for clarity

Month 3-4: Expanding Vocabulary and Idiomatic Expressions

  • Advanced vocabulary building through word families
  • Idiomatic expressions and their appropriate usage
  • Synonyms, antonyms, and shades of meaning
  • Vocabulary for specific contexts (business, academia, socializing)

Month 5-6: Mastering Complex Sentence Structures

  • Crafting complex and compound sentences
  • Understanding clauses and phrases
  • Developing coherence and cohesion in speech
  • Expressing opinions, arguments, and hypotheses effectively
  • Overcoming stage fright and nervousness
  • Structuring and delivering impactful speeches
  • Engaging an audience through effective communication
  • Handling Q